Rich's New Star Whip Topping 1 Kg

Rs. 216.00
Rs. 216.00

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Infused with vanilla flavour, this whip topping can be used to make a range of flavourful cakes and desserts.  Rich’s New Star Whip can be easily used in A/C and non A/C kitchens, offering excellent stability and texture with high overrun. New Star Whip Topping offers excellent shine and finish on cream cakes in tropical conditions as well. This whip topping delivers excellent shelf-life. 

  • Vanilla Flavour
  • Great Shine & Finish
  • Lasting Stability
Rich's New Star Whip Topping 1 Kg
Rs. 216.00


Arrives frozen
-Store at -18°C or below
-Thaw under refrigeration (+2°C & +7°C) for 24-36 hours before use
-Shake well before opening the Rich's Whip Topping® Gold
-Pour into a chilled bowl (should not exceed 18% of bowl capacity)